Home Health & Beauty Essential Oils For Hair

Essential Oils For Hair

by Holly

Essential oils for hair are essential oils that enhance the hair and scalp. So what are essential oils? They are the oil that is a plant or flower. At first glance there may not seem to be much oil in a plant or a flower, and that observation would be correct. Essential oils are captured through a distillation process and they are usually very concentrated and sold in small bottles in upscale drug stores, healthy food stores and some beauty boutiques, because of their high concentration. When using essential oils in the hair it is important to dilute the oils by only using a few drops at a time combined in a carrier oil of your choice – like olive oil. Essential oils for hair are valuable for their beauty enhancing components and their medicinal properties. There are essential oils for hair that promote growth, shine and glow. There are also essential oils for hair that cure ailments relating to hair like dandruff, dry hair, lice, hair loss and oily hair. Some of the essential oils for hair and the ailments they cure are: Lavender is a great essential oil for hair that prevents dandruff and is a great scalp treatment. In fact, Lavender is a great essential oil for hair that needs treatment for lice.

Myrrh is a great essential oil for hair that needs treatment for dry hair, dry scalp, dandruff, and like, lavender lice. Basil is a great essential oil for hair that needs treatment for oily hair. Chamomile is a great essential oil for hair that needs support for baby fine hair and has a tendency to promote highlights. A terrific rinse that works particularly well on blonde or light colored hair, will make fine hair nice and shiny is to combine a few drops of essential oil of chamomile to a pitcher of warm water and use the mixture as a final rinse on your hair. You notice the nice shine afterwards. Rosemary essential oil for hair will make a great rinse like the one above, but for dark colored hair. Combine a few drops of chamomile essential oils to a pitcher of warm water and use this combination as a final rinse for your hair. Rosemary or chamomile conditioners. If you like the two essential oils for hair rinses above, you may like this conditioner.

Use chamomile in the ingredients for hair that is already light and use rosemary essential oil in the ingredients for hair that is already dark: Make sure oils are diluted first! Don forget, only used diluted essential oils on the body. Combine equal parts of glycerin, almond oil and glycerin  three tablespoons each is a good measure. Add 3 eggs and nine drops of essential oils for hair  chamomile or rosemary depending on your hair color. Once you’ve combined the ingredients, distribute it on your head and let it sit there for about half an hour, after which time you may rinse it completely out of your hair. You’ll notice the rich shine when it’s dry. Lemon oil is a great essential oil for hair that is dry, dandruff-y, and also promotes highlights. Clary Sage oil is a great essential oil for hair that needs help with dandruff. Rose oil is a great essential oil for hair that is very fine. Click here to visit Essential Wholesale Return to home page from essential oils for hair

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